
Fast food macht bekanntlich dick, vorgefertigte Küche aus den Supermarkets beinhaltet unkontrollierbare Zusatzstoffe, und jeder der Kantinenessen kennt, weiss dass man dort isst um zu überleben, aber nicht um zu genießen.

Der aktuelle Anlass für unsere Kochrezepte ist eine Ernährungsumstellung meiner Frau.

Unser Motto: frische naturbelassene Zutaten, wenig Aufwand, optimaler Gusto, und nach der Arbeit eingekauft und schnell zubereitet.

Wir führen unser Kochbuch wie ein Tagebuch und melden uns in Zukunft ein Mal die Woche.

Sonntag, 28. September 2008

Sonntag, 14. September 2008

Freitag, 12. September 2008

Sky Watch Friday - Blue and green

Even in a touristic country like Austria there are places where neither Austrians nor guests from abroad go to.
Accidentally we were about 150 km west of Vienna, in the middle of nowhere, in the Pre-Alps.
I bet that this lonesome meadow is only acquainted with the cows, the farmers, the vet and perhaps the country preacher on Sundays.

For more SWF photos from all around the world click here!

Donnerstag, 4. September 2008

Sky Watch Friday

The disadvantage of city life is that the real horizon is limited.
City rats always want to live in the country, and nature-scouts need the citiy to find an audience for their adventure stories.

Some desires are not satisfiable.

Donnerstag, 28. August 2008

Brenda's Photo Challenge: Things With Wings

I saw these neet geese in an antique shop's windows display downtown Vienna.
Viennese porcelain produced by Augarten manufactory, mid 19th century, EUR 480,-.
Actually too dear to eat :)

Once you could see them on every street corner,
today they are extinct.
The eagle with two heads - one for Austria and one for Hungary.

By now, the Austrian flag decorates a proud Austrian fleet again.
Three merchant ships,

one in Triest, one in Rotterdam, and one in Hamburg.
They bring us consumer electronics from China.

Since the time of the Monarchy, gambling is nationalized in Austria.
Today, at least two Austrians become LOTTO millionairs every week.
I have figured out that I have a realistic chance to get rich within the next 2.000 years.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for me!

Brenda's Photo Challenge will start on 5 September 2008. Please visit her site!

Samstag, 23. August 2008

Brenda's Photo Challenge - SWEETS

This is my first attempt at blogging!

Everybody knows the big Swiss dogs, Bernhardiner, who carry a bottle with Schnaps around their necks and rescue alpinists who have lost their way.
I was not aware that in Vienna dogs are also used as pack animals to carry
on their back :D